Title: Energy Transfer Mechanisms during Molecular Delivery to Cells by Laser-Activated Carbon Nanoparticles
Journal: Biophysical Journal
Year: 2017
Title: Shock Compression Response of Cold-Rolled Ni/Al Multilayer Composites
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
Year: 2017
Title: Interfacial Effects on the Dispersion and Dissipation of Shock Waves in Ni/Al Multilayer Composites
Journal: Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials
Year: 2016
Title: Preparation of an α ″‐Fe16N2 Magnet via a Ball Milling and Shock Compaction Approach
Journal: Advanced Engineering Materials
Year: 2015
Title: Efficient Intracellular Delivery of Molecules with High Cell Viability Using Nanosecond-Pulsed Laser-Activated Carbon Nanoparticles
Journal: ACS Nano
Year: 2014
Title: On the applicability of the P-α and P-λ models to describe the dynamic compaction response of highly heterogeneous powder mixtures
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
Year: 2013
Title: High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids VI: Old Paradigms and New Challenges
Journal: Springer Science and Business Media
Year: 2012
Title: Observation of a minimum reaction initiation threshold in ball-milled Ni+Al under high-rate mechanical loading
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
Year: 2011
Title: Kinetic study of thermal- and impact-initiated reactions in Al–Fe2O3 nanothermite
Journal: Combustion and Flame
Year: 2010
Title: Mechanical properties of bulk metallic glass
Journal: Progress in Materials Science
Year: 2010
Title: Synthesis and characterization of mechanically alloyed and shock-consolidated nanocrystalline NiAl intermetallic
Journal: Acta Materialia
Year: 1999
Title: Shock‐induced and shock‐assisted solid‐state chemical reactions in powder mixtures
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
Year: 1994
Title: Shock-induced chemical reactions and synthesis of materials
Journal: Progress in Materials Science
Year: 1993