Study of Ni+Al Reactive Nanolaminate Ignition via Thermal and Mechanical Triggers

Study of Ni+Al Reactive Nanolaminate Ignition via Thermal and Mechanical Triggers

(Funding: Sandia National Laboratories; Faculty: Naresh Thadhani)

This is a Sandia National Laboratories Academic Alliance project with the goal of investigating the factors underlying mechanical initiation of fast deflagration reactions in metallic nanolaminates under extremes of strain-rate and pressure generated during high velocity impact. In particular, the focus will be on the effect of stored energy on the mechanical ignition of these highly reactive, intermetallic-forming laminate systems. The amount of stored energy can be varied by natural aging or heat treatment (accelerated aging), generating an intermixed zone between constituents. This intermixed zone not only consumes some of the constituents but also serves a diffusion barrier to constituent motion during mechanical loading. Such intermixed zones can affect the onset and propagation of reaction in these systems.

The work resulting from this project will contribute to the development of new, reliable ignition strategies for future components envisioned for National Security missions.